Meeting Adam Carolla

I remember the first time I heard about Adam Carolla starting a podcast. (What? A podcast?!) I got a tip from another marketer Christine who said “you have to try out the Adam Carolla Podcast. He does a great job with Live reads, and we’re seeing great results for our DR campaign”. Now this was in his first year of podcasting which I believe was ’09.

This was one of the most winning relationships that we had in podcast sponsorships as we discovered early on that:

  1. Podcasters own their business and inventory and are outside the FCC so they can say and do whatever they want.

  2. The sky’s the limit with creativity

  3. We could buy a :60 placement and Adam could chat it up for a few minutes or longer especially when he does a bit and gets on a roll.

  4. Advertising blended into content, and listeners liked hearing Adam’s voice on the reads so they didn’t tune away. (and ‘cuz the spots were super entertaining)

  5. Not only did we do midrolls, we also had website placements, Adam and his team developed custom videos with comedy bits for our brand, he promoted us on Twitter and Facebook, we sponsored events, and then finally, we integrated our products into the show.

  6. This opened my eyes that if we could truly partner with a show host, and they get to know us and everything about the brand, then we could get much more value. #winwinwin

We would frequently meet at Carolla Studios which doubles as his racing car garage, of which he has an amazing collection. I always loved the cars he has and would actually spend half the time talking cars and racing.

Adam is always generous with his time and is up for developing any idea to help achieve our goals. And…I’m going to save the Jimmy Kimmel experience for another episode.

And that’s why Nu Media Mix exists…to be on the front lines for our clients and work with influencers such as Adam Carolla.

Get in Touch and hear the difference we can make to your business.

Thanks, and Stay awesome!!

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